

R&D Business
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We introduce the technologies developed by GEO C&I.
The research results by GEO C&I has been focused on technological advancement for more than a decade.

Development of visualization technology to support decision-making in response to earthquake disasters

  • OrganizationGumi Electronics and Information Technology Research Institute
  • TitleDevelopment of smart sensor-based building safety intelligence information platform in earthquake area
  • ObjectivesBuild a distributed and shared inventory based on importance and develop an earthquake disaster decision-making system
  • Period2018.09.01 ~ 2021.05.31
  • Content

    Earthquake response inventory design and building a distributed and shared inventory based on importance

    Earthquake disaster response decision-making support system development

    Earthquake information visualization technology development

    Earthquake disaster response integrated situation board development

Representative image Building a distributed and shared inventory based on importance Liquefaction risk visualization

Development of technology for collecting and utilizing land satellite information

  • OrganizationKorea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement
  • TitleImage mosaic technology and SW development
  • ObjectivesDevelopment of image mosaicing software for national land satellite
  • Period2018.06.30 ~ 2020.12.31
  • Content

    Histogram matching-based color correction algorithm development

    Image mosaic algorithm development

    SW development for mosaic image and metadata production

    1:5,000 map segmentation function development of mosaic image

Representative image Apply color correction algorithm 1:5,000 map split

Establishment of multidimensional river management system and application technologies through active river information management

  • OrganizationKorea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA)
  • TitleDevelopment of 3D user-tailored river information delivery technology for real-time river management monitoring
  • ObjectivesDevelopment of cloud-linked & user-tailored river and water-friendly information expression system
  • Period09.28.2014 ~ 08.31.2021
  • Contents

    Development of suitable 3D GIS matching technology

    Development of web-based integrated river information delivery and information expression system

    User hierarchy-based (manager, user), differentiated river information delivery

    Development of the various river and water-friendly facilities and event information service and promotion system to the general public

Main image 3D GIS-based river information mapping offering user-tailored river information

Development of national measurement sensor-based wide-area and local flood damage monitoring, assessment, forecasting technology

  • OrganizationKorea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA)
  • TitleEstablishment of R (Realistic) flood damage DB advancement and state-of-the-art expression system
  • ObjectivesDevelopment of advanced flood damage visualization technology using high-precision geospatial information and graphics technology
  • Period07.01.2014 ~ 03.31.2019
  • Contents

    Development of large spatial data processing techniques

    Development of 3D expression technology for web-based flood damage information

    Development of satellite, radar, AWS measurement information real-time rendering processing techniques

    Development of 3D geospatial information-based flood damage visualization information service technology

Main image hydrological factors visualization web portal measurement information visualization service by sensor

Development of disaster (typhoon, heavy rain, earthquake) scenario-based integrated safety management technology for waterside structures

  • OrganizationKorea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA)
  • TitleEstablishment of high-precision geospatial information-based facility risk information expression and distribution system
  • ObjectivesDevelopment of 3D geospatial information-based facility risk level, importance level, damage level information expression and distribution technology
  • Period06.01.2013 ~ 12.31.2018
  • Contents

    Development of large spatial data processing techniques

    Development of 3D spatial and flood simulation technology using Unity engine

    Offering various decision-making factors like expected overflow regions' risk level, importance level, the amount of damage, etc.

    Development of the national disaster prevention application through SNS-based risk information distribution system

Main image flood overflow simulation map mobile app-based facility risk level information

Establishment of the precise monitoring system for the Korean Peninsula coastline environment using Arirang satellite images

  • OrganizationKorea Research Foundation
  • TitleDevelopment of sea farm detection algorithm change monitoring system using various satellite sensor information
  • ObjectivesDevelopment of the coastline environment monitoring technology using satellite images and machine learning techniques
  • Period10.15.2014 ~ 06.30.2017
  • Contents

    Development of KOMPSAT-Series image processing program<

    Development of the machine learning-based maritime farm automatic object extraction technique from satellite images

Main image Arirang satellite image analysis automatic extraction of coastlines and facilities

Development of a next-generation flood defense technology (completed)

  • OrganizationKorea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA)
  • TitleDevelopment of river survey advancement technology
  • ObjectivesDevelopment of advanced levee and river variation survey technology
  • Period06.30.2012 ~ 12.18.2013
  • Contents

    Development of areal laser measurement-based river usability techniques

    Development of the river maintenance and management technology linked to the national river management data

    Creation of the distribution properties river survey advancement operation guidelines and manual

Main image SONAR-based river terrain survey automatic extraction of distribution properties within river zones